Mesh deforming strangely in roblox. Please help!

Hello everyone! So im having a tiny little problem with a mesh im trying to import into roblox.

This is what it’s supposed to look like during the animation:

And this is what’s happening to it in roblox:

This is an animation, when importing to roblox as an fbx file, it starts as just a tube, and deforms as such to create a wormhole. But, in roblox it’s deforming strangely. Is it something to do with the normals or something? Idk. Please help! Thx!

Have you checked to see which way your Normals are facing?
Search the net to find out the tools that show which way Normals face. There are a couple of ways.
Also from what I know Roblox works better with Tris instead of Quads in Meshes, but I’ve never worked with animations so I could be way off base here.