Mesh doesnt have smooth shading inside roblox

I use blender for 3d modelling and you’ll have an option to smooth shade your meshes to make it more… well, smooth. however when i imported it into roblox the smooth shading is gone



as you can see between those two, its very noticeable and i dont know how to fix it

note if it helps: i upload the mesh in the FBX format

Try to change the RenderFidelity on the meshpart’s property to precise and see if it works.

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the mesh still looks the same, no differences whatsoever

Maybe it’s the fact you’re using plastic as texture? Try to use another texture.
It could also be your Mesh Detail Quality in the Studio Settings.

Yep done both, still nothing, this is very weird bcs ive previously done meshes that had smooth shading on it and roblox kept it

It is shaded smooth. However, Roblox applies SSAO (Screen Space Ambient Occlusion) on meshes.
This makes meshes look more realistic. When you have sharp topology, SSAO gets applied.
I don’t think there’s an option to disable this, it only gets disabled if the Roblox quality setting gets lowered.
But there’s a way to stop SSAO from getting applied. And that is avoiding sharp topology.

As you can see the first mesh doesn’t have any SSAO because there isn’t any sharp topology.


ah i see, never knew that roblox had that feature, thx btw

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