It looks normal on Blender but when I import it to Studio, it’s missing a face on the mesh
Anyone know what’s wrong? I’ve seen people have this problem and it’s because of face oritentation but no, it’s all blue
It looks normal on Blender but when I import it to Studio, it’s missing a face on the mesh
Anyone know what’s wrong? I’ve seen people have this problem and it’s because of face oritentation but no, it’s all blue
Although I did found this and I don’t know how to fix this
youll want to fix that by selecting all of the edges around the effected area.
Edit mode, 2 on keyboard for edge select, select the perimeter, by holding shift and clicking on all the edges making them orange, than press f (to fill the face) and it should be filled.
select the whole model in edit mode and press shift+n to recalculate normals.
or what you can do, if this is a overlapping vert issue, go to
mesh → cleanup → merge by distance
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