Mesh flipbooks, Particle flipbooks, Animations and movesets

This is my first post, I suddenly started thinking how comical it was that I show my work EVERYWHERE ELSE but not the official roblox devforum; I have no idea how to structure this post, so I’m just gonna dump everything on here

I’d post it all on “What are you working on currently? (2023)” but since I’m posting different things at once, some older than others and that I’d like contained feedback, I’m making an entire post, I’ll go from most recent to oldest, but please DO give me feedback, be harsh or not, all is appreciated!

Most of the following videos have sound and musics. Make sure you don’t have your volume all the way up!

-[Stylized wind mesh flipbook I made the very same day of this post, I’m actually thinking of releasing this for everyone to use!]-

-[Another mesh flipbook, this time for dashes and spinny projectiles; this was actually when I realised meshes (or any 3D instance really) have huge shading issues]-

-[Yet another mesh flipbooks, I’m actually really proud of these ones!]-

-[Flipbook particles; the stylized fiery one on the left is actually the first effect where I finally starting experimenting with flipbooks; making flipbook textures is way more fun than I’d ever imagined]-

-[When I finally figured out how to correctly make looping flipbook textures]-

-[Animation made in blender referenced from Xiao from genshin impact; I was planning to make a full scripted moveset but then I got kind of got bored making the anims, woopsies]-

-[Slashes I made for a friend’s game; I made a lot… a LOT more slashes but I don’t want this post to be TOO long]-

-[Scripted moveset based on genshin impact’s Ayaka, the models are made by my friend muwii and everything else by me, This is probably the thing I put the most effort in and I’m real proud of it! Shame I never got to make her skills, and now the code is way too messy for me to really work on it]-

-[This is from two years ago, when I had figured out how to make animated slash, and really got into movesets and animations]-

That’s about it, I have a lot more similar stuff to show but it’s either too outdated, repetitive, or not up to the level of skills I’m currently sitting at.
I have read the rules of the devforum but It’s possible I’ve broken some of them without realizing because I’m not really used to using the devforum, so I apologize if I mistakenly broke any rules, sorry if the post is too long also

That being said I still really want feedback on everything, and if you have questions on any of the things I’ve shown, you can reply to this post and ask, or contact me on discord incase I ever forget to check back on the devforum: Bean#4599 (I will say tho, I’m not gonna reveal ALL of my secrets on how I made these :D)

Thanks everyone! And I wish you all a nice day!


All of them look great! And I would love to know how you made them! I like the colorful ones more.

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Thank you!!

As a generalization, for the flipbooks, mesh flipbooks and slashes, since I’m not great at hand drawing and animating yet, it’s all made procedurally using after effects, I’m not gonna go into details as to what effects I’ve used exactly, but pretty much all of them uses fractal noises :slight_smile:

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Looks awesome! If you’re gonna release them then I’m gonna be the first one to get them. Just @ me if you do, please!

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