Mesh ID & Texture ID Added to the Context Menu

Just love how the roblox staff looks at the front mesh page and does nothing about the copyright infringing stuff, not to mention the botted stuff.

This is a pretty good update tho!

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Thats neat! Really helpful feature actually!

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very hard to moderate 10’s of thousands of models/meshes/bots each hour/day.
They do need to step up tho lol :star_struck:

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This is very useful and make many things much easier. I’m glad this was added.

Wish I could use this right now :L


This is a good update! This will make development; even building/modeling a lot more easier.

its now made easier for developers to not import the model in the game and copy the asset ids

Copyright? If you’re talking about the Textures & Meshes, you are mistaken.

Roblox’s ToS states that anything you upload to their platform can be used by them or the community in any shape or form. Meaning it isn’t a violation of copyright.

niceᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ

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