Mesh Import Texture Failure

I’m attempting to import a textured model from Blender into Studio, but the texture wraps incorrectly in Studio.

This is the Blender version:

This is the Studio version:

I’ve attempted multiple methods of importing this texture.

First, I had the texture in the FBX file, so it would do it automatically. When that didn’t work, I imported without the texture and then uploaded the texture as a decal and put that as the TextureId. I was met with identical results.

Is there something I’m not aware of? Do I have to apply UV in some way before it will save in a way Studio can read?
I know it’s not an issue with the FBX file itself, because when I import the FBX back into Blender it shows up properly but that same exact file fails in Studio.

These are two meshes, but both fail in the same way. They share a single texture, but have their UVs on separate parts of it.


I had been importing directly into a MeshPart. However, if I try to get them in via Bulk Import, it says they are “Unable to import” and gives the following errors. What does it all mean?!


(Note: Model is free from Turbosquid, I just modified it for my use and made it fit the 10000 tri limit)


Interesting issue - can we see the UV in your 3D software?

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I think Roblox doesn’t like my 64MB .tga texture and something goes wrong when converting to .png?

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Weird, I just uploaded a .tga file as a decal and applied it to its mesh in Studio and it worked as expected.

What’s the resolution of the texture? Could Roblox be compressing it so much that everything gets blended up? The islands are packed pretty close, I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a lot of bleeding going on.


I got it!

When converting to a .png, the image gets mirrored vertically.

I converted to png myself, flipped it, and exported.

Thanks for the help everyone!