Mesh Importing Problems

Hey everyone. So this afternoon I was having some trouble importing a gun mesh into studio. The mesh is 3 separate parts and they look perfectly fine in blender. The unfortunate part is when I import the mesh parts into studio they appear to be glitched and incomplete in a way. Here are some photos to help you understand what I am saying.

I have tried re-importing but I am not sure what to do. If someone has had this issue or know’s a solution I would love to hear it. Thanks!

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This is a very common problem among Blender 2.8/2.9 users since it does not show where normals are facing. Just select everything in edit mode and do Shift + N(to all 3 parts), it should recalculate normals and flip them outwards.


I’m not a mesh expert, but the property “Double Sided” when made true should fix it.


Alright, when I click Shift-N, do I just select the “inside” check box?

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How would one make the “Double Sided” feature true.

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By checking the box, the technical term for it is making it true/false, sorry for the confusion lol.


All good, thanks for the clarification! :slight_smile: