Mesh importing with incorrect geometry

Title says it all. I modeled a knife in Blender, and it’s importing with wacky geometry. Here’s what it looks like in studio:

The serrated part of the blade has holes in it (both sides), and some of its vertices aren’t even registered (both sides).

All of the normals are correct and all of the edges line up in Blender. Here’s what it looks like:

I’ve tried:
-Re-exporting the mesh
-Re-importing the mesh
-Recalculating normals
-Enabling DoubleSided

If anyone knows what’s going on here, I’d love to know. Thanks in advance!


This should probably be in engine bugs, but I am pretty sure you need to be a regular. I am mostly certain that this is an engine bug, I don’t know how you can fix it, but you could make the doubled sided property in roblox studio to true on the mesh, see if that fixes it.

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I tried that earlier, but unfortunately, nothing happened. This is so weird, I’ve never once encountered something like this :confused:

People have had vertices on unions glitching out because of engine bugs, so this could be something similar.

This has also happened to me, what I did was just fill the space with a block in the game or double patch it in that spot. Hope this helps and it should work.

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It looks like you need to triangulate your mesh and export it again. It’s hard to tell though and if this doesn’t work please provide a picture of the asset’s wireframe in Blender.

More info here: