Mesh invisible for everyone except the importer

My friend made a pistol model in TinkerCad and imported into Studio.
The problem is that the model is invisible only for him.
This is what he sees:

This is what I see:

Why is it invisible for everyone except him?

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Roblox might have not yet approved the model sometimes they take a while the longest I had to wait was 8h, also a lot of times the non-uploaders need to restart studio after each model is uploaded.

your friend can always try and reupload under a new name or if necessary you will need to contact Roblox support.

Just a fact you should know.

Roblox will not show any uploaded assets to any user but yourself, which also includes other developers working on the same game, until the asset has successfully been approved by moderation.

Its most likely due to the fact that Roblox hasn’t approved your mesh yet. Get them to rejoin the studio in a dozen of minutes and it should be good.

Roblox is still reviewing (when the topic was created) but I’m not sure if it’s approved by the mods

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