Mesh is gone when game started


in studio


in game

The mesh part exists in stuido but when game started it gone.
Exactly, all parts including mesh gone.
What should I do?


Meshs’ data here. I brought them from HD earth in toolbox
Parts all anchored. And when I get its size small, result was same.


Transparent? Maybe that’s the problem… idk i dont work with meshes

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In this image, it seems like the earth does not exist as it only contains group properties, but not parts underneath them whatsoever… Perhaps it can be something related to the script that has the function to destroy objects?

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Result same after ungroup and changing name.
those 3 n are gone everywhere

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100% sure that its not falling into the void abyss of roblox studio?

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I solved!

When I go closer to part enough, they appear good
Mesh soooo big compared to part. just randering issue.
I moved it closer cuz your feedback and problem solved! thx

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ahhh i seeee ok! have a great day

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