Mesh is shown as union in Studio?

I took an object from Toolbox, but when I place it in studio it is shown as an Union?
If I “separate” it, it becomes a single Part?

What do I miss here?


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What is your objective? . . . .

I do not understand why this is shown as an union?
What we see on the first screenshot is a complex object (obviously a mesh) and when we separate this “union” it becomes a single part?

I believe it was imported as a union from a 3rd party program like Blender… I could be wrong.

Yep, this. Was a relatively obscure technique back when unions were relatively new and proper mesh importing didn’t exist. If you want it as a proper mesh, export it and re-import it.

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How can I export it? “Export selection” does not appear in the context menu of the Union or for the “separated” part? Also neither of them has a MeshId

Should be the union, not the separated part, and it should be possible to export it in the same way you’d export any other union.

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