Mesh "lighting" and humanoid issue

Hello all! I’m not particularly sure which category this post should be in so I’m hoping this is close enough.

I’m having a really strange issue with my game, my developers and I aren’t even sure exactly what’s going on. Here’s the issue:

Just recently I created some tree models for my game in blender, and placed them throughout this forested area. Upon placing them, however, I discovered that the shadows that they produce are very, very dark for some reason. The color is even drained in them, giving a not only dark but a desaturated look to whatever happens to be caught in those shadows. Things got even stranger though whenever I play tested the game and found that this issue was resolved and the lighting under the trees was fixed, as can be seen here:

I stopped the test and the lighting remained fixed, and a humanoid actually appeared in the workspace. I found out this was tied with the tree’s lighting quickly upon deleting the humanoid and finding the trees’ shadows desaturated yet again. Keeping the humanoid in the workspace while in edit mode also seems to cause performance issues.

Lastly, before creating this post I decided to insert a humanoid into workspace just to see if I could nail down exactly what was going on and instead of adjusting the lighting yet again it instead caused every tree model in the game to “disappear”. I use that in quotes because the models are not removed, they just can not be seen much as if they’ve just become transparent.

I’m genuinely confused as to how these two are linked. These mesh’s were exported as obj’s and not fbx’s. For added information, Each tree model has two separate mesh’s. One for the trunk and branches of a tree, and one for the leaves. The leaves cast a shadow while the trunk branches do not. My lighting settings for the game are as follows:
Global shadows are ON, ambient and outdoor ambient are [0,0,0] (changing this does not effect the desaturated shadows), shadow softness is at a .44 (also does not effect the shadows), I am using shadow map technology and I am using environment diffuse and specular scale. I also have atmospheric fog, a sky box, color correction, and sun rays in place.

Any help at all would be greatly appreciated! I have never come across an issue like this in my years of using the platform.