Mesh loading problem


So I have some meshes currently in my place. When I test in play solo, they show just fine. I believe the meshes have been “approved.” Here they are nonetheless:

Mesh Links

Meshes/Cube.001 - Roblox
Meshes/Cube.002 - Roblox
Meshes/Cube - Roblox
Meshes/Circle.001 - Roblox
Meshes/Circle - Roblox

I uploaded through the usual way, making a meshpart, selecting a model on my desktop, and using it. In-game, it does not show the model, although the collision box exists (the object itself doesn’t show, but you can bump into the object, and it’ll be there). It’s been a couple of days since I uploaded, and nothing changed.

In game, it displays the following error in the output:

I’ve tried republishing, restarting studio, putting the model in a clean new place, preloading the asset, inserting from the toolbox, and nothing is working.

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Here are some reference images.

(Play Solo above ^)

(Roblox client below)

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I’ve also made a test place, with no scripts, and it is un-copylocked:

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you tried to put the textures in via decals? due what i can see is that roblox is having trouble loading them in, it could be that your game is slow to load in or roblox being buggy,

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No textures used, I’m using brickcolors


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Have the meshes been approved by Roblox?

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Have ya tried re-uploading (with a minor difference because hash comparisons)

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But wouldn’t a disproved MeshPart have a :no_entry_sign: icon?
All of them are visible in 3D on the site.


Try deleting your cache? Turn on this option and restart studio: