[MESH MAKER] Mesh Vehicles Needed!

About me

Hi there, I am SystematicMess. I run a 1k ro-policing group. Recently we have had the need for newer and modern vehicles.

Details of what’s needed

  • Vehicles need to be British Police Cars (I will attach some images below).
  • No Chassis or ELS required.
  • Need to have British police texture (duh).
  • Cars do not need numberplates.


I have 4k (and increasing) amount of R$ which have been allocated to buying these vehicles. I don’t really mind how much the cars are as long as the price is fair for the quality of work produced.

Contact Me

If you require any more information or have any questions, please either message me here or on Discord (SystematicMess#8797)

Here are the pictures

car car2 car3

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