Mesh not importing correctly into roblox

The problem that I am having is that some faces are see-through, or not loading into the game correctly. Here is a link to the issue, as you can see what it looks like in-studio, versus blender.
This is my first time using blender for Roblox, so I am not sure if I did anything wrong. The solutions that I have tried so far are Triangle-ating the faces. That did not fix it. I have pressed CTR + Shift + N and Shift + N. It did not work. If you know the issue please let me know.


Have you tried setting DoubleSided to true?

I have not. How would I go about doing this?

Open the properties tab of the mesh part, find the property called DoubleSided, and check it.

Edit: Seeing as you marked this as the correct solution, I’ll show the other way of solving this issue.

In Blender, next to the venn diagram in the top right of the viewport, hit the down arrow button and check face orientation. If you see red, that means that it won’t be visible from that angle. For example:

the red face of the cube will not be rendered when imported into Roblox. To fix this, select the face(s) and hit Alt + N and select Flip.