Hey there, i’ve been trying to import this mesh i made in blender but when i import it theres some missing triangles. Im not sure why this is happening, ive looked on the forum and tried to recalculate outside but it didnt help. Im not sure what to do now. If you have any ideas please let me know.
Your faces are inverted. You need to go into your Blender mesh. Search how to use BackFace Culling or Show Face Orientation (I think that’s the name).
Usually Blender shows a grey surface whether you are looking at the back or the front. There’s a setting that will show the ‘Normal’ of the Face as blue if you are looking at the outer side or orange/red if you are looking at the inner side.
Select the face that’s reversed and in your Edit > Mesh settings you can look at Normals, then click invert (or use CTRL N) to make the inside face outside.
If you have other questions there are plenty of Blender tutorial videos that explain this process.
And if you are looking for a low-poly look then this mesh is ok, but if you want the mountains smooth you can select all the faces (type A in edit mode) then go to the Face tool and click ‘Smooth Faces’.
Also make sure to have your mesh selected when exporting. As there have been some instances where I’ve set it to only export selected objects and forget to select an object.