Mesh not importing right

Hello! I’m partially new in using Blender and I made a mushroom house, but as I was importing it into Roblox Studio, I saw that the door I made was appearing incorrectly.

This is How it was supposed to look like:

And this is How it looks in Studio: (parts of the door are missing, color problems.)

I’ve tried exporting the house in different ways (obj , fbx) but none worked. Any help will be greatly appreciated!

not sure but current roblox servers problem might be the reason

I imported the mesh earlier today, before the servers were experiencing problems?, but it might be related to that too.

Probably no.

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This isnt a ROBLOX thing im pretty sure. Make sure that doublesided is on in the mesh properties, or if that dosent work, correct the normals beforehand in Blender.

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As others have stated in other posts, don’t use DoubleSided for stuff like this.
DoubleSided was intended for items like leaves or pieces of paper.
Making Meshes double sided will double their memory size, possibly degrading performance if you use lots or the place is already prone to lag.

Normals in Blender are the sides that face outwards. Blender shows you the inside and outside face when you make the Mesh, but Roblox doesn’t show inside faces.

The main issue with DoubleSided is that if your Normals are reversed then Blender sees the edge between a front face and a back face as a sharp edge, not a smooth edge and it affects your surface shading.EDIT You can see the difference between inside and outside faces by searching ‘backface culling’ or to to the “Viewport Overlays” and activate “Face Orientation”.

Also know that Blender default lighting is more ‘soft’ so surfaces are easier to see and work with. Roblox lighting is from the ‘sun’ and shadows are definitely more harsh.


Both solution did fix my problem, Although when I looked into Normals, some other parts disappeared (Fortunately they’re easily fixable in Studio) but that’s probably my fault since I’m not familiar with Normals yet. Thanks a lot!
-Edit- I understood how Normals work.

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