Mesh not showing up properly in Roblox

So I wish to import a simple cookie mesh which I have made in Blender to Roblox.

However, the mesh does not seem to load in properly when uploaded to Roblox.

Problem is that you can see inside, but not through some of the chocoloate flakes, meanwhile they are meant to be solid.
Essentially they act just like the “shell” of this UGC egg: Snowglobe Egg ❄️ - Roblox
I copy pasted most of the flakes then modified them individually in blender, and I cannot tell what causes this problem. The model shows up just fine in blender and .obj viewers.
Blender view

Online .obj viewer view
Does anyone have any idea what might be causing this?

might be because faces are flipped? im not a modeller but i have basic knowledge about modeller

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That is a very possible scenario, but wouldn’t that cause the model to show improperly in an .obj viewer as well?
Edit: Just checked, all normals seem to be facing outwards as they should.

that very true as i said im not a 3d modeller

try importing the cookie as one mesh and the choc chips as another mesh

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Even when exported as 2 different meshes, the problem seems to persist.

tbh thats very sus i have never had this problem before

try importing the choc chips individually each piece

Try to export it as .fbx maybe that will help? :man_shrugging:

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Btw, the category I would suggest making it Building Support since this is featuring modeling.

But art design support is fine to since it’s got modelling in it to.


That solved it! Thank you! When importing into studio it said it had some negative number scales, and inquired if it should fix those. Upon pressing yes the mesh seems to have been fixed.
Also, I changed the category to building support.

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I know you solved the issue, but could you provide the Blender file so that I can inspect the issue further? While it’s nice that Studio does some of these post-processing fixes, they shouldn’t be relied upon when there’s an actual issue still present and unfixed :slight_smile:


cookie.blend (1.4 MB)
Of course! Thanks for the further help!

Coming back to this thread to say that I have found the source of the problem: When joining together objects (eg. how I joined together the chocolate flakes) some objects get their normals flipped for seemingly no reason. So Creeperman16487’s solution of importing each flake individually would have worked.
In case anyone encounters this problem in the future, the solution I have found to fixing this in blender is to simply select the objects whose normals got inverted, press L to select the whole object then flip normals.
I should have checked the normals after joining the objects together too, apologies.

try exporting it as a .fbx file

I would say to enable DoubleSided, but try doing whatever Vqqrs suggested.