Mesh oriented incorrectly, can't fix...?

I am currentely making an equipping system which requires all swords to be oriented the same, otherwise it completely breaks the whole system. However, I have ran into the problem of meshes being oriented differentely, and don’t really know how to fix this :(. I’m more of a scripter and am quite lost when it comes to modeling

Here’s what they look like when given the same orientation.

I could maybe get it working by manually messing with sword orientation, but I was wondering if there was a fix that is purely modeling?



you could try uploading it to blender and rotating it, although idk if that would work

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Sorry forgot to mention I tried that, when I uploaded those two swords, (the classic one being oriented correctly and the crescendo not being oriented correctly) but they were both the same rotation. Could it be due to the fact I saved it as a part to obj? When I try to save it as mesh it says some ‘Failed to save object…’

not sure, maybe try rotating it more in blender to see if its rotation there actually matter or not

You can set the orientation in the export settings or compensate for it in code.

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Found the fix! Turns out I have to export it as obj, and the original mesh can’t be exported from SpecialMesh form.

Funny how Roblox does their stuff


These days, you rarely have to re-import to fix something like this because Parts and Models have the Pivot, which is a full 6-DoF offset you can use to re-orient the part’s axes any way you like. That said, swapping axes can make Studio’s built in draggers get confused, like the scaling handle balls won’t be on the right axes because they don’t respect the pivot, but this is just a minor inconvenience, setting properties directly is unaffected.

The exception is if you need to re-orient a skinned mesh w.r.t. a bone it’s skinned to. That binding is hard-coded in the mesh data and can’t be edited, so re-import is necessary. But that’s a special case.

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