Mesh quality decreases when exporting from Roblox to Blender

When I export this mesh from Roblox, the mesh changes and details become disfigured.

I exported this part via right-clicking and selecting export selection, however after exporting the mesh its geometry has changed and some details get ruined.

(Item that was exported)

(Item changed after exporting)

I’m not sure what’s causing the decrease in mesh quality after exporting and I couldn’t find any solutions to fix it.
I do know that the mesh is OVER 10k triangles and that might effect how Roblox exports it, so that might be a possible problem.
If anyone knows a solution or a another way to export meshes from Roblox please let me know.

How did you import the Mesh into Roblox in the first place?
How many tris was it when you originally imported the Mesh to Roblox?

I didn’t originally import the mesh, but I do think that it was imported using the Studio Beta Feature Mesh Importer plugin (It allows meshes over 10k tris to be imported)

Just taking wild guesses here, maybe the lighting that u got the first picture In affected it? Or maybe when u import it back into Roblox it’d retain the quality again I’m just throwing out random suggestions :slight_smile:

So you’ve taken someone else’s mesh and exported it to Blender and you’re wondering why is isn’t working? Seems like you should be asking the owner of the mesh how they did it.

The model was ported from Ready or Not, and I think I know how the owner inserted the mesh despite it being over 10k tris, the problem is exporting it from Roblox to blender

Does the Mesh Importer plugin allow you to export meshes as well?
I’ve never used it so I’m not familiar.

Roblox only supports 10k tris per mesh object. You can mitigate this via importing the mesh in multiple parts(or object groups) in the Asset Manager. The smart mesh importer will automatically decimate an objects geometry, even if it uses multiple object groups.

This could have implications with the texture, so you may wanna try reducing the tris count in blender. Try using a decimate modifier in some places? Your mileage may vary.

As far as I’m aware of, it only allows imports

So I guess this means that Roblox will automatically decimate the model when importing AND exporting, but are there anyways to bypass this?

Shouldn’t do it when exporting, but Roblox does split the tris so you you have to manually merge them again in Blender.

To merge the tris,
go into edit mode of the object
press 1
press a(selects everything)
press m
press by distance
play with the ratio in the bottom left a bit, you’ll see how many verts were merged.

Roblox’s materials in blender also usually look pretty terrible. I’m not too sure if there’s a way to fix Roblox’s materials, but I just clear them in blender and apply new textures in Blender.

You may also need to clear the Custom Split Normals data under the Geometry Data tab.