Mesh rendering abnormally on lower graphic levels

Reproduction Steps

  • Join an experience with a mesh-rich map (TTD 3 is a good example and this is where I found the bug) on mobile

  • Tune your graphics level, using levels below 5

  • See the rendering issue

Expected Behavior
The look of the meshes should be less detailed, but still rendered correctly, with only minimal changes to lighting-related detail and general levels of detail.

Actual Behavior
A weird digital ‘noise’ and ‘fuzziness’ can be seen across the meshes, therefore hindering gameplay and the visuals of the world.

Video Clip
Alt Source (Discord)

Issue Area: Mobile App
Issue Type: Display
Impact: Low
Frequency: Constantly


I have tried to reproduce this locally, but I am not seeing the issue. Could you make a screenshot (since video compression takes out a lot of detail)? Also could you provide information on the video card & driver you are using (and ensure you are using the latest driver)?



[Graphics Level 5]

The image and video were both taken on an iPhone 12 Pro Max, apologies for missing out that part in the original report.

All software on said iPhone is completely up to date, so assume its using whatever latest drivers the iPhone 12 Pro Max in iOS 15 is using as well as the latest version of Roblox’s iOS App.

EDIT: You’ll need to use an actual mobile device - I failed to replicate this using Studio’s mobile emulation system.

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We confirm we see the issue too on iOS 14 & 15. So far it seems to be like a driver related issue. People are investigating.

Thank you for reporting this, it helps us a lot!


FWIW this got fixed properly (by @vrtblox), but ended up not being a driver issue.

Unfortunately due to mobile being 1 or 2 versions behind, this will take 1 or 2 more weeks before it gets rolled out.


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