Mesh Scale Audio System

Hello, Im trying to make a speaker system with this code i got from another forum post:


	local intensity = script.Parent.Sound.PlaybackLoudness / 1000 * 0.3
	local mesh = script.Parent.Mesh

	if mesh then
		script.Parent.Mesh.Scale = + intensity, 1 + intensity, 1 + intensity)


but, the mesh size just stays the same, and the sound is playing and everything.
the sound information:
thanks for all the help!

Instead of changing the Scale Property Use the Size property of the MeshPart or Part

its a mesh, i cant change the size, there is no Size option

But that Mesh it is attached to a part?

yes, but it is a file mesh, so it doesnt automatically adjust to the part like other mesh types

Ohh alr then create a MeshPart and then copy the meshId and the TextureId into the meshpart then ,
change the size of that MeshPart on the script for example

MeshPart.Size =,10,10)

but i have the mesh attatched to the player’s back, and it needs to be offset

in fact, neither the size or meshscale are changing to the sound…

So is this script in the player Part Mesh inside the player in the workspace or is it in the player inside the Player service?
Also what happens if you increase the numbers in the equation in your script to exagerate the scale change just to see if your numbers are just too small.
Sound.PlaybackLoudness / 1000 * 0.3 is a very small number.
(any number /1000 *.3 is the same as /300)
If PlaybackLoudness is 5 then 5/300= .0166667 so changing the scale by 1+intensity isn’t very nuch at all.

Playbackloudness keeps showing up as 0