Mesh shadows are goofy?

Currently working on some sort of terrain generation. I switched from using parts to a one sided mesh, that way I can save on performance but at what cost? Shadows seem to be broken when using them. As seen below, the mesh planes seem to have light going through them, how would I fix this? It just looks really bad, and considering switching back to the least performance way if there is no solution to this problem. Thanks for your time!

With Parts:

With Mesh Planes:

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It seems as if you mesh is shaded smooth, you can do either of these two options:
First off, you can turn on Auto smooth in Normals for your object.
Screen Shot 2023-01-15 at 7.06.46 PM
OR you can just shade the object as flat
Screen Shot 2023-01-15 at 7.07.48 PM
I’m pretty sure that should solve your problem.

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I just tried both of your suggested methods but sadly they both still have weird shadows.

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Set the CollisionFidelity to PreciseConvexDisposition. Doubt it affects shadows but it’s worth a shot.

Try inverting the normals. That might help.