This is the mesh in blender, before exporting
These are my exporting options
And this is how it looks when I import it to roblox studio. I’ve tried setting the origin of all the objects the same and the origin rotation and scaling as I saw here, I also tried putting in different exporting options, and also applied all unapplied modifiers, but none of these fixed the problem, anyone know the solution?
First off, was the cylinder that you used to cut out part of the handle applied using auto boolean or brush boolean?
I pressed the one that said boolean and pressed “Fast” not exact is that what you are referring to sorry I’m kind of a newbie
If you set the double sided property on the mesh to true inside Roblox studio then it should fix it but if you want a more probably efficient way then the way below is the way to go.
If you set face orientation (Viewport Overlays > Face Orientation) to true then what color are the faces on the mesh?
Blue: outer side
Red = Inner side
If you imported this cube into Roblox Studio and then zoomed inside of the cube you’d see the the red faces can only be viewed from the inside of the cube and would be invisible from the outside but if it was blue then it would be like a normal Roblox block.
As you said the problem was with sizing and not normals being flipped correct?
If you are importing it with a fbx file I would advise you to use an .obj file due to it keeping the size and position information in the file
I think he thought that it was sizing and didnt know about the normals bring wrong way.
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