Mesh tiles flickering, could it be a renderer issue?

Hi, so I just noticed in my game where I have these tiles for the floor, that they flicker undesirably, making it a big distraction and frankly an eye sore.

I’ve tried doing things like changing the lighting technology back to compatibility, turning off CastShadow on all the tiles, and so on, but it did nothing. I’d assume it’s just another typical engine issue with Roblox’s renderer, but I wanted to get confirmation on that theory, if I might’ve missed something.


Are the tiles Decals or Textures and are they repeated on each individual Tile, or is this a large tiled section (say 20x20 tiles) that is repeated over and over?
A quick screenshot of your Explorer with all the parts involved may provide us with better information rather than a video of the result.
Typically decals on Transparent Parts that are the same level as another Part or Mesh below them can flicker like this. I usually raise my Decal Parts slightly above other components that may cause this issue.


They’re textures, on each single tile.

I’ve actually tried what you suggested not too long ago, but it did nothing unfortunately.

Thanks for the reply :slight_smile:

This looks like a weird Roblox thing, can you try spacing the tiles out more from each other and see if that helps?

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What if you put a single transparent Part that is about 20x20 ‘tiles’ square and use 1 texture on it with the StudsPerTileU and V settings equal to the size of one of the individual tiles, then place it with its surface .010 studs above the tiles?

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This is a just visual issue, I’ve experienced this when I have the tiles too close to each other. This also occurs because of your display resolution, the lines will make the pixels create a weird affect when zooming or changing the camera angel.


It occurs a lot when theres tons of textures involved, zooming out will make it look wonky and flicker a lot so yeah

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Well that sucks. The original tile had the texture as part of the mesh, but since it had a lot of polygons it created a lot of lag (of course.) so the alternative option, using textures, also sucks.

We luv roblox

if ever anybody still find this problem, you might using more than 1 texture on the same face at the same time, just change the Zindex diffrent number each textures