MeshConvert - Library for converting meshes in various ways


Library for converting meshes in various ways

  1. Library link
  2. Github


  1. You can convert a mesh(EditableMesh) to Parts, Unions, or obj file.
  2. Converting MeshParts to Parts or Unions can achieve a variety of effects (since each face can be moved independently).
  3. It can be used without significant performance degradation.

Getting Started

You can get the converted mesh with the MeshConvert.Convert function.

MeshConvert.Convert(InputType, MeshData, OutputType, options)

  1. InputType: One of MeshConvert.Enums.InputType

  2. MeshData: The mesh you want to convert (depending on InputType)

  3. OutputType: One of MeshConvert.Enums.OutputType

  4. options: Options for the conversion (Type is MeshConvert.Options, can be nil.)

If InputType or OutputType is MeshPart, go to the Security tab in your game settings and enable Allow Mesh/Image API.


local MeshConvert = require(script.MeshConvert)
local options: MeshConvert.Options = {partAmountInUnion = 40}

local Output = MeshConvert.Convert(MeshConvert.Enums.InputType.MeshPart, workspace["Meshes/something"], MeshConvert.Enums.OutputType.UnionGroup, options)

Output.Parent = workspace



v0.2.0 Update

Full Changelog: Comparing v0.1.0...v0.2.0 ยท Name-hw/MeshConvert ยท GitHub

Type errors may occur in New Luau type solver.


  • Added options
    โ€“ partAmountInUnion

  • Performance improvements
    โ€“ Added parallel processing to PartsGroupConverter
    โ€“ Added parallel processing to UnionGroupConverter


  • Changed error message


  • Fixed errors