Meshes breaking when I run the game

For some reason my street light model (it is made of 5 meshes) is breaking when I run the game.

This is before:

And this is when I play the game:

I noticed something weird happening when I imported the meshes, I imported them using the new Roblox Blender Addon and I made sure that the face orientations weren’t wrong but I still had to use the DoubleSided property for them too look right (see images below)

As you can see the face orientations are all good

but this is how it showed up in studio


Did you make sure that all the mesh parts are anchored? The issue when you play the game looks like the main wooden post moving due to physics.

For the inverted/double-sided bug, would you mind DMing me the .blend file so I can check it out on my end?

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Yes, all of them are anchored.

The MeshParts are all put in a model like this:

From what I’ve seen, this missplacement after I run the game bug only happens whith the street light models that I rotated myself (it doesn’t appear for the ones that I left with the default rotation)

I sent you the .blend file for the other bug

Thanks, I’ll take a look on my end.

this probably wont work, but i would recommend giving it a shot. Maybe try welding it all together… since the wooden post does look unanchored, like he said. Thats my only thought that could come to mind. Lmk if it works.

Nothing to do with the anchored property, all of the parts are anchored before I even run the game. This is most likely related to the bug that caused the normals of the meshes to show up inverted in studio. For now I will just remake the street light model as it’s easier than figuring out what caused this; I did try fixing it in blender a few times and it didn’t work.

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