Meshes do not load until the BasePart is updated - including basic PartType shapes

EDIT: This issue seems to be caused by the EditableImage & EditableMesh beta

Sometimes a mesh will not load in studio until the BasePart it is assigned to is updated - which often involves moving or scaling the object. The simplest instance of this happening is when you open a new file and set the Shape property of a newly inserted Part to another value. The mesh will not update in the viewport until I move the BasePart.

This also occurs for newly uploaded MeshPart meshes. If you insert a MeshPart and click on its MeshId property to upload a mesh, you will often notice a block mesh appearing instead - like in the video below. This can also be reproduced by opening a new file, inserting a MeshPart and uploading a mesh through its properties. Dragging on the MeshPart will cause the object to update and render its mesh properly.

Expected behavior

I expect my meshes to load immediately after setting the Shape property or after uploading them to a MeshPart.


I can’t seem to reproduce this. I have no plugins or beta features enabled - have you tried the same?

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I investigated some more and it seems to be related to the EditableImage & EditableMesh beta feature. Turning that beta off seems to prevent the issue. Thanks for your extra info.


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

This issue should be fixed now if you are on version 644.
Let me know if the issue is still occuring

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