There is currently an issue on this page:
Clicking the link will lead you back to the same page. I assume the reason for this is because page names aren’t case sensitive, so you can’t have one page named MeshID and another named MeshId.
There’s also an other issue caused by the same thing:
Clicking MeshId(the non-deprecated version of MeshID) will also lead you to the MeshID page.
I’m curious as to whether other pages about deprecated functions with the only difference in their names being their casing also have this issue.
Edit: I clicked on the getChildren link on the Instance page and it brought me to GetChildren.
Edit 2: Interesting, it appears that
I assume the reason for this is because page names aren’t case sensitive, so you can’t have one page named MeshID and another named MeshId.
my assumption was false, because className and ClassName are different pages.