MeshPart DoubleSided

I’m so happy I could kiss you. But I won’t because I am not weird. Doublesided meshes are going to help my tree design so much. Thanks.


I hope you’re only referring to solidifying stuff related to leaves and hair.


What you just said is exactly what you shouldn’t do as that is not its intended use.

Sweet update! Very excited to use this new feature, “MeshPart DoubleSided”!

Omg, yesterday I manually made many meshes appear like they have 2 faces by duplicating the polygons, is there a performance impact with double-sided models?

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This is awesome! Thanks for the update!

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Awesome!!! But is a feature like this possible also for Parts? I hate having to upload an sphere just to have it double sided

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Less impact than this feature. Though it strongly depends on how complex the model is. If it’s just a big polygon, then it’s negligible. All faces will be made double sided, even those that don’t need it.

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oh neat we can actually enable/disable backface culling

edit: yes that is the propor terminology


I can’t find out the difference??

put your camera inside the mesh and turn the setting on and off

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This is not the same. If you were to duplicate the faces and flip the normal, the vertex shader would run for the duplicated faces, which is slower than disabling back face culling (which is what it does now.)


Does this mean automatically fixing the common “inverted faces” problem with just one click of a button? And how costly is the performance?

Is “invislble mesh” caused by inverted normals? If this is the case, this should be solved in content creation tools and not DoubleSided…


I successfully converted everything over to DoubleSided on one showcase en-masse, but when I do it for another showcase I just get crashes or bad lag no matter what I do. I’ve tried code and manual selections… Any ideas?

This is a great addition! But I hope it doesn’t cause lag.

Does this mean automatically fixing the common “inverted faces” problem with just one click of a button?

Nope. What you mentioned is an example of what this feature should not be used for.

And how costly is the performance?

It would decrease the performance since each face is rendered twice. That is why it should only be used in specific use cases such as foliage.

Oh, oh yes! Finally! Planes are no longer taboo on roblox!

I put together a little palm tree using this feature, however unusually the more distant the tree gets from the camera the more a white-glowing outline appears on it? This only occurs when I enable the double sided mesh property. Transparency 0.02 fixes the bizarre white outlines however the leaves become transparent whilst using that method so I’d rather use the new double sided property. :sweat_smile:

Perhaps it could be a texture issue? However as shown below the leaf texture has no white outline.

Thanks for the useful update, I remember requesting this to Dave a few years ago!


I think you guys might’ve bugged mesh rendering at a distance with this