Meshpart gets deleted when playtest

Hi whenever I click playtest, for some reason the meshpart gets deleted, its anchored and I named it something random to prove its not a script that deletes it, its parented to workspace, and it even happens when I store the outlet in replicatedstorage.

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I know it’s anchored. if it’s (CanCollide) not already, maybe enable CanCollide

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how far do you spawn from the mesh? If streaming is enabled the meshpart will automatically unload until you get close to it.

I’ll warn you disabling it could cause a lot of lag.

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Hi so the issue was that when the person who made the model, when he reversed the faces or something along that it for some reason made it delete itself during playtest, I believe this a bug and I would report it to roblox if I had the ability, but there is no way for me to do so I believe because I dont have permission etc.

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