MeshPart TextureID doesn't support transparent textures?

Basically, I’m trying to get dismemberment to work for a game with PLAYER CLOTHING but the problem is, even though clothing load fine on the limbs, if the clothing has any transparent parts on it, it will show as black on the mesh and cannot be colored. How do I fix this, and is there any workaround to this? if not please for the love of god suggest this for Roblox to read

Here is an example of my problem:


Try using a SurfaceAppearance. There should be a setting to change the alpha mode, set it to the other option. Set the ColorMap value to the textureID of the other mesh.

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Aren’t SurfaceAppearance textures blocked from modifying the ColorMap and any of its other properties on runtime? I need the dismemberment to be able to apply the current player’s clothing on the limb and also support transparency, and ColorMap unfortunately can’t be set with scripts.

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Okay I’ve tried everything (that can be modified via scripts ingame) by using SpecialMeshes, Attempting to change the ID of random textures on the MeshPart’s TextureID, and to no avail.

Any MeshPart TextureID will block me from changing the color regardless of the texture’s transparency, and I can’t do anything to work around this. At this point I’d like to file a bug report knowing this can’t be normal, but I don’t know where I can do so. Can you tell me where I can post bugs? (Besides the Bug Report channel, that’s blocked off because Roblox blocked off the ability to rank up anyone from Member)

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I’m also having this issue, and I’m not sure why it’s a problem. I’ve used transparency on meshes before and they worked just fine