You can join the game here >> Project S - Roblox
It’s in Alpha at the moment so I normally have it closed.
You can join the game here >> Project S - Roblox
It’s in Alpha at the moment so I normally have it closed.
If a decal or a texture is laying on top of a meshpart which is Automatic RenderFidelity, the decal does a weird glitch where it stretches to the position the tool once was in the workspace (i tucked it into starterpack).
I messed around a bit and confirmed it’s because I changed the mesh to Automatic instead of Precise. Turning it back to Precise doesn’t fix the issue, however, it stays broken.
You can see my tools say precise/automatic in the video. the precise version is a meshpart straight out of the toolbox that hasn’t been renderfidelity altered (precise).
I duplicated this exact tool and turned the meshpart to automatic, and you can see it glitching now because of this change.
the only way to currently fix this is to make a brand new part because turning it back to precise doesn’t fix the issue.
here’s the workspace if you want to mess around with it. broken grapes.rbxl (590.1 KB)
this has happened on multiple of my tools, just messed around with it in a baseplate to figure out how to get it to trigger for this post.
thank you for reading.
(this is glitching like this in a regular game too, not just studio. thanks for the help XAXA)
My mesh parts have always been “Precise” or at least they are now. Maybe I had changed them to automatic at some point and just don’t remember doing so. I could try creating a new part and see what happens.
That would be interesting to find out. I’m not sure if it’s because of the welds because the grapes I tested on didn’t have any welds (being only a single part in a tool)
I kinda feel like it has something to do with the new automatic mesh parts acting weirdly when a humanoid is involved (or something along those lines)
The tool doesn’t have any glitches when it sits on the floor, but after you pick it up it starts glitching. (Actually I wanna test this one more time but from my memory this is how it went)
I can confirm I am having the same issue.
The model is welded together with Motor6D and is animated. The parts on the model have Texture instances in them, and the texture stretches to 0,0,0 in the workspace. This stops when the textures are removed. The parts are MeshParts set to Precise render. I am able to see it locally, but other people cannot see it.
I also am experiencing this with certain swords which use Textures/Decals with welding. Haven’t really found a fix around it yet.
From testing, I can also confirm it can happen inside viewportframes aswell.
Is there any updates on the development to the fix we can expect soon? It has been over a month now since this issue has been reported.
For my games at least, I need textures and humanoids and it seems almost every model I have in-game is replicating this issue. It is causing immense frame drops in-game and in-studio whenever looked at and is extremely obstructive.
Can we expect a fix to this soon?
Hi guys, the fix is on track to be released next week.
Will there be any notification or update for when this is fixed?
I’ll post here once the fix is enabled.
Alright thank you and to give a bit more context, it seems the textures and decals start doing this when there’s a humanoid applied. (Didn’t see anyone mention it occurs specifically when attached to a humanoid)
It can also happen in viewportframes and without humanoids:
The fix should be activated now, let me know if you are still experiencing the glitches.
Thanks for the update. I have just tested it on my game and players are still seeing the stretched image on the MeshPart.
EDIT: It may only be mobile phones (and potentially tablets) related cause the user who sent me the pics only saw it on him and one other user only (for sure) and both of them were mobile phone users.
Do you know if they have updated their apps?
Still going on in studio on PC
Not going on in game on PC
A few players reported to me this was happening to them on the X-Box app today.
The MeshParts affected were my trees with RenderFidelity set to Automatic, causing the leaves to disappear and appear wonky.