MeshPart using a Material Variant is not even around the mesh, how to fix?

On a MeshPart, when I make a Material Generator, and use the Material Variant, it is not even around the mesh, in some parts it looks correct, but in other it is blurred / distorted.

Is there a way to fix this, using MaterialVariants on a MeshPart? Or another way using this MeshID?


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MeshPart Properties:

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Increasing the Studs Per Tile on the Material Variant, makes it worse.

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Textures are 2 dimensional images. Meshes are 3 dimensional objects. When applying a texture to a mesh, we have to reconcile this dimensional gap. We do that by mapping the 3d mesh to a 2d image. This map, we then use to instruct the texture as to how it should apply itself onto the model.

This is called a UV-map. They’re quite important. As we’re essentially ‘unfolding’ the 3d model to become 2d (think of how you could unfold a cube, this is what it’d look like:

it’s important that we tell the UV-map where the texture can be cut. Cuts are needed to unfold the mesh. Those cuts are also places where the texture will produce a seam. It’s like this: you have a wrapper, and a bottle. No matter how tightly you wrap it on, there’ll be a seam in between the start and end of the wrapper.
The red lines are cuts.

Roblox generously automatically UV-unwraps meshes, but it’s not a perfect solution by any means. Thus, if you want to fix the seam, you’ll need to do your own UV-unwrap.


Most excellent detailed reply, thanks!

So in conclusion, ‘Thus, if you want to fix the seam, you’ll need to do your own UV-unwrap’ what are the steps if I created the Material Variant, via Roblox Material Generated, to accomplish this? Do I need to say screw it, use blender from the start, or get the color image of the M G , M V, bring it into blender and do a UV-unwrap… and if so any steps to do this?

The M G , M Vs via just roblox, always seem to have some seam, regardless if it is a mesh or a part… like sphere… has gaps… or seams…

Are there any other tools that will do a UV-unwrap, besides blender?


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Well, you can’t UV-unwrap through Roblox. Or at least, you couldn’t, technically there’s a beta feature out … but too complicated right now. You’ll need to use blender. You’ll have the UV-viewport, left side will be your UV (only visible when you selected some faces etc). The easiest way you could try is to select all, press U, and then hit something along the lines of automatically unwrap. I forgot the exact term. Smart unwrap? Meh you’ll find it

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Seems like it would make a great Community Tutorial for some one to do… :slight_smile:

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That’s because they are generic materials. When you UV unwrap something you basically end up with an outline of your object in 2d, which you can then use to apply your material onto specific surfaces of your mesh. Roblox just plasters it everywhere.

Pretty sure I’ve already done that, let me see.

Here you go UV-unwrapping for beginners