MeshPart wont move

I’ve been having this problem in Studio where my meshpart wont move!
I’ve tried turning collissions/can collide off but it still wont move. It’s just stuck insude of the baseplate, and before you ask, yes. I’ve tried moving the baseplate too. It didn’t work.
Here’s a GIF of my problem.

If anybody has any solutions or know what may be causing this, please help.

Here are some things that are NOT the cause:

  • Bad Plugin/Free model
  • Bad tab (already tried re-opeing studio)
  • Collisions preventing movement
  • Bad properties (only things on are Cast shadow, and Anchored)
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And you want it out of the baseplate? Just select the Mesh, go to your Properties window and set the Position Y value to 5 studs higher than it is. You can manually change this value to whatever you want to put it wherever you’d like.
Clicking the Collisions tool should fix this, but other than that I’ve never seen something ‘stuck’ like that.

Well, This is a commission item, and If I can’t move it, I’m afraid my client wont be able to either. This works, but is there any other more permament way?

I know this might sound basic, but from looking at the GIF it looks like you could just have the movement amount set quite high and therefore the distance you drag your mouse movement isn’t enough to move the object.

You might want to just check and make sure that isn’t the case.