MeshPart's page should mention CreateMeshPartAsync

It was hard for me to find out how to instance a meshpart and set its MeshId with code in studio. Tucked away in InsertService was CreateMeshPartAsync! Since meshpart’s MeshId is read-only, even in studio command line, it should mention the alternative to setting it with insert service.

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I definitely agree that it would be good to mention this in MeshPart’s documentation. I think this better fits in instead of here.

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That’s valid. Specifically we should add a note to MeshPart.MeshId along with the note on why we don’t allow it to be directly updated from Lua.

We’re planning to move some of these around and make them accessible at runtime too as part of the larger effort around DynamicMeshes etc. We’ll make a note to update this along with those changes.