Messaging Service is failing me. :^( - Help on Server Browser system


  • I want to make a server browser system

The Issue

  • I’m using @DroneMiner967_Gaming 's Protocol system
  • Hard to explain, here’s the pseudo-code
  • Everything works fine except that the lobby server isn’t receiving any messages. if it does, it’ll print
("RECEIVED MESSAGE FROM GAME: ", [insert random table address])

Lobby Scripts (In lobby server)

Okay, here’s the start game code

function module.StartGame()
  warn("SERVER STARTING: jobId"
  -- teleport players to game server

Here’s the CrossServerProtocol code

MessagingService:SubscribeAsync("CSProtocol", function(protocol, something)
  -- pretend there's a code that gets the sender job id here
  if senderJobId == game.JobId then 
    if protocol == "Multiplayer Server Send Match Data To Lobby" then
     warn("RECEIVED MESSAGE FROM GAME: ", data)

Game scripts (In game server)

Here’s the ‘Send message’ script

function CrossServer.SendStringTo(protocol, targetJobId, data)
--  local something = 
 -- (a string with targetJobId and data encrypted in it)
  MessagingService:PublishAsync("CSProtocol", protocol, something)

The server setup script

-- pretend I have a data table 
-- and the sender job id from teleportData here
warn("MESSAGE SENT"..senderJobId)
  "Multiplayer Server Send Match Data To Lobby",
  -- (pretend there's JSONDecoded data table here)

My test results

Lobby Server

Game Server

Test 2
Lobby Server

“SERVER STARTING: jobId”…game.JobId

Game Server

“MESSAGE SENT”…senderJobId


( The game server should appear as a frame in the list)

Also this isn’t the actual picture, no way I’m exporting one picture from my phone to PC just for a post >:^(

Probable cause

  • I have a few suspicions;
  1. MessagingService doesn’t work across different places in the same ‘Experience’
  2. Reaching allowed limit of active subscription doesn’t let you send messages (which probably isn’t the case)
  3. It’s not me mispelling the protocol name, I’ve checked like about 7 times now

tl; dr

  • help i’m too dumb to figure out how to make server browser system using MessagingService

I started my holiday on the 24th (been far from home), so sorry. I have some time right now so I’ll see what could be causing this problem.

My code can be very messy a lot of the time.

I believe the issue has been resolved, thank you @M1STERR for finding my embarrassing mistypes in the code.