Messaging Service - Publish requests exceed the limit

Every 5 seconds I publish async but sometimes it gives out this error, I’m not 100% sure on the limitations of the service but I’m pretty sure I’m within the limit. I’m confused to why this is happening.

while wait(5) do
	if not RaceConcluded then
		local LiveData = {
			["Laps"] = RaceData.Laps;
			["Track"] = RaceData.Track;
			["TrackType"] = RaceData.TrackType;
			["Identifier"] = RaceData.raceCode;
			["Racers"] = Racers
		MessagingService:PublishAsync('Live Races', HttpService:JSONEncode(LiveData))

Turns out I underestimated the size of the data I was sending. Thought it was much smaller but turns out I was wrong.

Also why do you need to json encode? it should just be a table