MessagingService does not describe important active subscription limits

Issue Description

It show limits regarding how many topics and messages can be sent… but there is a MISSING limit which is the active subscription limit. You can only :SubscribeAsync to a very small number of topics per game server at any given time. This is a big inhibitor that should be known!

If it is what it used to be on old wiki, it is probably something like… 5 + 2 * numPlayers

Other people encounter this:

What is the limit for Messaging Service's active subscription? - #6 by nidor_x

Issue Area: Documentation Content
Page URL: MessagingService | Roblox Creator Documentation


We’ve filled a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and will come back as soon as we have updates!

Thanks for flagging!


I just looked through the code, and the values from the old wiki are still correct.
i.e. 5 + 2 * #players

We will prioritize updating the MessagingService documentation pages.

Thanks for pointing this out!

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