MessagingService Release

I can back this issue up, me and my friend were playing with it, and were hitting the limit way to quickly.

We may need to file a bug report.


Do you have subscriptions to the same topic in other servers? This might have something to do with it:

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This is still a major issue that’s preventing me from doing something that I’ve been trying to do; I was confused as to how I was hitting the rate by sending only 30-50 requests per minute. If this isn’t a bug, documentation on this behaviour would be pretty important.


I’ve seen publishes fail over 20 times consecutively in my game with near 2 minute long delays. This really needs to be acknowledged and fixed.


Can you both possibly provide code examples of what you’re attempting or what warnings/errors you receive?

The error I’m receiving is in my post, which is “The rate of publish requests exceeds the allowed limit”.

I’m using PublishAsync and am publishing to a topic 58 times per minute, and I’m listening to the same topic in the same server using SubscribeAsync. It isn’t problematic until I launch a second server, publishing to the same topic 58 times per minute, and simultaneously listening to the same topic, then I run into issues.

My code worked perfectly fine up until about a month ago, but when I resumed the project a month later, I ran into this error.

The “infinite player server” that @ForeverHD made also doesn’t work anymore. His game is open source, so I took a copy of it and observed that the errors in his game are the same errors I’m experiencing.

If you’d like to review the code that isn’t working, you can open studio for this game: Infinite Player Server (Open Source) - Roblox

There problem is definitely not within our code, and unless the documentation on the devhub is incorrect.


Thank you for the verification. :+1:

Omg yes! i can do great things with this in my models

Can confirm, I’m well within the limitations yet constantly receive error messages claiming the limit has been exceeded. All my ‘live leaderboards’ which worked originally have now failed completely.

@Seranok Do we have any time-frame to when this might be resolved?


How could you create server wide announcements with this? I’ve no idea where to start as there aren’t many tutorials on this.

I posted an example on how to use MessagingService/how it works. The game in un-copylocked so you can view all the code to better help your understanding of this.


announcements no chat but I’ll look into it :slight_smile:

Is this currently safe to use in a production environment, or should I steer clear?

Aside from the limit issues, you should be fine using it in production. As long as you don’t intend to use it based on the limits on the wiki.


This is very useful to me. I could make a fully global chat system which messages are synced with the whole game so players can see messages from other server.

Good job

Hi Developers,

This feature now works in Studio, in all testing modes! This means you no longer have to publish your game to verify that it will work.

Note that MessagingService is fully partitioned between development and production, so messages you send in Studio will not be received in your production game and vice versa.


Will there ever be a way to simulate multiple servers in studio? This way we could assert that data is being sent and received how we’d like.



Was the Data Size Limit of 1Kb removed?

I’ve been searching for 15 minutes and I didn’t find as much information as I would like.

Will the Service receive other changes later on?

I want to use it for my games but I need to make sure that it is reliable as I do not want my Games to randomly break.


I’m afraid GlobalDataStore:OnUpdate may have been deprecated too hastily. I still have a use case not covered by MessagingService. I have a game management plugin that I wrote and use in Studio to send messages to servers in order to toggle our own fast flags, trigger server shut down sequences, or modify the ban list. It took advantage of OnUpdate in order for these servers to receive the messages.

Please make it possible to send messages to live servers using MessagingService from a plugin in Studio and from the Studio Command Bar.


Deprecated functions can still be used, it’s just not recommended.