MessagingService Release

I posted an example on how to use it. It also has all the code so you can understand how it works.
The following is a link to the post:


This is one of the most useful things I could think of. There are hundreds of possibilities, from matchmaking to in-game friend systems, the possibilities are endless!


I’ve seen a couple things created with this around the forum, and I am simply amazed at the possibilities. This makes life so much easier and avoids using an external server.

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I’m interested whether a server that sends a message through PublishAsync will also receive a callback within a SubscribeAsync if it is listening to the same topic?

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Anddd… Maybee… A custom server list gui updates real time!! Thanks for this I’ve been thinking about doing it with http requests.

If you’re talking about one server having both subscribe and publish to the same topic, yes it will.

I can see this being a neat feature, can’t wait to see!

When can we expect this service to exit seclusion and enter the public scene for all developers?

Does anyone have an official deadline or an ETA?


I am really excited to use this feature. I’ve been relying on third party services to communicate between servers. Hope everything goes smoothly and gets released soon!


Woohoo, something I’ve waited for for a while. Goodbye https. :))

Question, its probably obvious but I’m horrible at understanding new things: Would this allow us to shut down all servers in a running game at the same time from inside one of the servers? Having it work a little bit like a game wide BindableEvent.

Really cool feature to implement. I like this idea.

Yes you can absolutely do that.
Someone made a module for MessagingService that acts like BindableEvents lol


UEVENT is returning nil, I’m guessing this is because I’m not in the beta test programme?

Are you trying it in studio?

if game:GetService("RunService"):IsStudio() then
	return { new = function() end }

This would be a reason why it would return nil. Idk what you are doing tho.

MessagingService:SubscribeAsync() The “Sent” variable is NOT unix. This value is influenced by the server’s timezone. This can be proven by:

Which shows the offset (The [=xxx] in the print line) from the other server to the true unix timezone as determined by combining os.time() and the decimal of tick().

My function for true unix time (Or as close to it as it can get):

local function True_Unix()
local Unix = os.time()
local Tick = tick()
return Unix+(Tick-math.floor(Tick))


How you get the offset.
the source server who sent the message filled the **sent** field with the return value of **tick()**. That shouldn’t be influenced by the timezone.

tick() is influenced by timezone of the calling machine (Be it client or server). It’s os.time() that isn’t.

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thank you for reporting this issue. I’ll work on it.

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Any ETA on the full release of this service? Pretty excited for it!


I made a module for helping others calculate the estimated size of their messages based on the estimated bit weight (Rounded up from the tenths place.) If you want to use it the module is posted below. Posting it here so those that are messing with MessagingService can see/use it to ensure their messages are within size constraints before passing them to MessagingService. (All data calculated with the assumption that MessagingService only allows strings with 1kB or less of data to be sent)

Valid UTF-8 characters are string.char(1) through string.char(127)

Example of use:

function Can_Send_Message(Message)
local Weight = WeightModule.Calculate_Byte_Weight(Message) -->“Hello world” = 11.287125
return (Weight<1000)
print(Can_Send_Message(“Hello world”)) → true