MessagingService:SubscribeAsync incorrect argument description for callback

On MessagingService:SubscribeAsync, the page describes the callback like this:

The callback is invoked with two arguments:

This is false: it is only invoked with one argument, as correctly described in the “Usage Notes” box on Cross-Server Messaging:

  • The callback function for SubscribeAsync() receives a table , not a string. This table contains both message.Data (the developer-defined data sent via PublishAsync() ) and message.Sent which is the Unix time in seconds at which the message was sent.

Thanks for the report! We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database and will follow up when we have an update for you.

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Hey @chess123mate, I’m going through some older bugs and wanted follow up that issue has been resolved on our documentation a while back thanks to your report.

Appreciate your help here and I hope you’re having a great day :slight_smile:

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