Messed up on Hoodie design

Hello! I recently made a hoodie which looks likes this:

Accept I was silly enough and used the template off of google. I am new to creating clothing so don’t be too harsh on me. It took me about an hour to make this and once I tried to publish it, I found out the template was wrong. I have the correct template now but how would I swap the templates and still save the work I have done?

EDIT: I use Paint dot net if you were wondering.

Any feedback is appreciated!


Firstly, the title seems misleading. I was confused about what the topic was. I would recommend just saving the clothing template from Roblox and then pasting on on a separate layer. Then align the two backgrounds and remove the wrong template. I


Alright, I’ll try that! Sorry for the confusion.


The template you are using is outdated and it is the wrong size (420x420) the updated roblox template is 585x559

Here is the updated roblox template


Thanks, so how will I go about making everything else I created larger to fit the newer template? I already have the updated template but thanks anyways!

Inside paint net
go to images>resize then change it to 585x559


One problem you’ll face is that when scaling from 420x420 to 585x559, your design will most likely become blurry.

Personally, I would recommend re-designing the hoodie in order to achieve maximum sharpness with your design.


Easiest way to fix this, @coneylove133 is to go to the Image Tab & then hit resize (or Ctrl + R), like Vayz suggested.

Then input 585 x 559 as the size. Make sure “Maintain Aspect Ratio” is turned off before inputting the numbers in the box, to make sure the quality is reasonable, make sure “Best Quality” is selected.

In the future however, use the template Vayz suggested, even go as far as to save a version of the template with the colors pre-cut out even to save you that small step.

Also, just a small suggestion. Cut out the color from the bottom of the sleeves & the bottom two squares to allow for skin color as “hands.”

The template has always been 585x559. The reason why his is 420x420 is because that’s what the thumbnail size is on Roblox’s website.

Roblox clothing isn’t that high of quality to begin with, so I wouldn’t be too worried about this factor. When using PDN’s built in Image->Resize functionality, the anti-aliasing is actually pretty good. Should be fine all things considered, especially with something as basic as this hoodie design.


Thank you so much! This helped a lot. I actually forgot to delete the part where the hands would be. Thanks for all the advice!

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