does this look cool lol
ok (i added more stuff so that it isnt just the same color so you can actually see kind of)
colorscheme difference
i’m sure you could come up with a creative way to make a game with this lighting
until then i’m still calling it ugly
i swapped the white and black highlight color as it makes it look ugly i agree, and im trying to attempt to make a version faith the unholy trinity’s style (of solid colors that are overly simple) in roblox
i might make it outline colors instead so it feels more accurate to the game though
outline would make it look 100x better
i hope this “remake” turns out well; i’d play it
i changed my mind about the example part, its a cool style but very inconvenient to make a game with so yea major downside
That seems pretty cool actually, gives me those FNAF World vibes for some whatever reason lmao. Still, pretty good 8/10.
reminds me of the opening of Sergio Leone’s
“For a few dollars”
How did you manage to get it? (if a magician will reveal his tricks)
really high fog color (like 100000000 for each)
skybox pure white
highlights (each color that isnt the default has a different model, the default color is in workspace)
Bloom 0,0,0
Colorcorrection 1,1,1 and colortint to what you want the skybox color to be
might come back to you for a game i am developing
would you be interested?
if you want me to help with small things sure but if its larger scale not really no thanks
actually its the application of this or a simlar effect for what would be the opening if not the main menu to reference Sergio Leones work while also conveying a certain message
but like i said this work would be needed in the future, i dont know when.
ok, its pretty simple to imlpement imo (just remember you have a 31 color limit so use the colors properly and if you need different colors change some instead of adding more if possible)
actually i was talking about hiring you for that
since you pretty much gave me clear instructions id just prefer you doing it and paying you for it and then giving you credits in the credits
though ofcourse not 1:1 this
but ofcourse you dont have to take the offer
if you want me to sure (i like money !!! lol)
reason i said smaller things is because i meant like i dont want to do lead stuff though smaller things i meant by implementation of certain things/smaller projects (lighting/scripting/animating related things as i do all three) as I don’t want to get my hands tied with too much at the moment
how did you-
nvm i wont question that
pretty interesting
oh good, cause thats all i wanted
and ofcourse it would be a paid endeavor