Metal reflection not achieving the desired results in my game

We modelled a sword mesh in blender and are trying to give it a metallic shiny appearance. We gave it the metal material knowing that it always produced the results we needed in other games. However in this one it looks quite and underwhelming, almost as if reflections are nonexistent.
The problem seems to occur only for this project in particular. We tried it in other projects and it worked perfectly. Solutions we tried are changing the material variant, increasing environment diffuse and specular scale, and setting ambient to 0, 0, 0.

Game with the problem:

Other games:


Try adding SurfaceAppearance to your model it adds PBR (Physically Based Rendering) You can add normal maps, roughness maps, and metallic maps to achieve the desired effect and change the reflection value in properties it helps.
Also, try using Future or ShadowMap in the Lighting properties your lighting in the scene could be the issue.


Is it possible to do that with roblox’s default material maps? If so where would I be able to find those?

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EnvironmentSpecular should be 1. Also, the ‘reflection’ is actually just a reflection of the environment. Your environment is, as far as I can tell, just a solid color. That means the reflections don’t have anything to reflect, because it all looks the same


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