Metanoia - Important Information

Metanoia Bakery :yum:
Metanoia Bakery - Application Guide & Hiring Instructions :cake:
Metanoia Bakery’s Twitter :cookie:

  • Welcome to Metanoia Bakery, Important Information page. This guide will be updated when information becomes unavailable and/or changes. Should you have any questions about anything covered here, please first check the appropriate links listed in this guide. If that does not answer your question, feel free to contact a member on the Board of Directors or above.

  • At Metanoia we take our rules very seriously to ensure the safety of our customers and staff but also to ensure that you’re time with us is as enjoyable as possible. Below are our rules as they currently stand, these may be changed in the future.


  • Do not be rude. Act appropriately. This is for everyone – staff, customers, and guests – should be treated politely.
  • Do not allow a disagreement to become a heated argument. Leave it for another time or contact management to solve the dispute.
  • Stay professional and polite. Do not offend customers.
  • If a customer is being disruptive, report the disturbance to security or management. One unhappy customer is better than the many that they would have made unhappy by being disruptive.
  • Only do your own job. Do not micromanage others.

Punishments are based on the severity of your infraction, and can be one of the following:

  1. A warning. Repeated offenses will garner more severe punishments.
  2. A temporary or permanent lock to your rank.
  3. Demotion, with the possibility to return to your original position if you keep up good behavior.
  4. A temporary or permanent exile. Disruptive and uncooperative staff are not welcome at Pablo’s.

If you’d like a deeper explanation on how our rules work, please proceed to read our [Rules & Regulations ] This should answer any further questions you may have on this topic.

  • To help clarify each of our ranks, we’ve set out a table below that should explain each one.

  • Ranks Interested in making it to the top? Below is what we look for and expect for you to earn a promotion.


Pro Tip: Read our Metanoia Bakery - Application Guide & Hiring Instructions

  • 2 | Trainee
  • 3 | Cashier
  • 4 | Chef
  • 5 | Senior Staff
  • 6 | Kitchen Leader
  • 7 | Staff Assistant
  • 8 | Assistant Supervisor
  • 9 | Supervisor
  • 10 | Assistant Manager
  • 11 | General Manager
  • 12 | Board of Director
  • 13 | Executives of Administration
  • 14 | Junior Corporate
  • 15 | Senior Corporate
  • 16 | Vice President
  • 17 | President

Thank you once again for your time and patience.

f1uey, Metanoia Bakery’s Founder.