Meta's Portfolio (COMMS OPEN)

Hi there! I am offering my services as a UI Designer, Modeling, Map Designer, and Graphics. I specialize in UI Designing and Map design. I have been Designing for 1+ years on Roblox and The Development of my projects is still ongoing

a monster for the ongoing project


Scrapped Thumbnail

I am available for six to eight hours of work on the weekends. You can contact me any time, but I am unable to work during the week due to school.

Prices are negotiable, I accept either hourly pay or For UI Assets and GFXS. My preferred payment method is [R$ and USD].

100k - 400k

$50 - $100
$100- $600
$1k - $10k

You can contact me here on the Developer Forum via Twitter at:
or Discord: Roystridors
Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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