Hello. I’ve been tinkering around with the idea of lua classes without the need of metatables. From what I have heard, accessing values through the __index metamethod can be slow. So this is what led me to try and test my own class implementation; one in which the data table directly references the method functions. Now, the question is: am I being stupid, or would this actually work and if so, what are the caveats/positives with this approach?
-- person class
local methods = {}
function methods:say_hello()
print(string.format("Hello, my name is %s. Nice to meet you!", self.name))
local function new_person(name)
local data = {
name = name
-- Reference the methods in our data table:
for k, v in pairs(methods) do
data[k] = v
return data
-- Usage
local bob = new_person("bob")
local laura = new_person("laura")
For anything you’re concerned about the performance of, do the following:
Ask yourself: Does it matter?
If it doesn’t then implement it whichever way you think is best.
If it does, benchmark each option to see which is the fastest and then decide based on those results.
When you say __index is slow, you probably heard that assigning a function to __index is slow. A table on the other hand is pretty fast and probably used most often.
The following should be suitable for most use-cases.
local Class = {}
Class.__index = Class
function Class:myMethod()
You can of course do what you were asking about, in which case you’re sacrificing memory in return for speed. The reality is, when __index is a table, the speed you gain is probably negligible in comparison to memory usage. Your method only requires a single lookup but a field in the table for each method, while __index requires fetching the metatable and performing the same lookup.