Method importing Texture ID! using blnder ( to roblox studio)

i using blender3.0 and roblox studio now.
i knew method in mesh and texture importing from blender to roblox studio.
but when i worked in blender, has got a problem.

splited arm.(1 part → 3 parts divide)

plz look at a mesh of below, in material properties,

has 2 materials.

but i know, 2 materials were not importing roblox studio’s texture ID.
(for texture ID importing in roblox studio, has a 1 mesh ID and 1 Texture ID)

so, i want to know get a 1 material in blender.
in addition that, not touched mesh’s color! without reset.

thank you read my questions. gl

hmm maybe try grabbing the 2 textures and put them in 1 image and then use the UV editing thing. Hope that helps a bit but I’m not too sure if that’s what you are looking for.

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thanks your reply.
but your method is touching(changing) mesh’s color!

i find to this method T_T
that way, i try try try hard IMPORTING

You need to either bake the texture or combine it into one material, but what I do is go into edit mode press “p” (it splits the mesh into separate meshes) and click by material. this will make it so you have two separate meshes for each of the two materials. then you can import it as an FBX through the asset manager and you can insert with location to get both parts exactly how they were in blender.


seperate p - and By material. OK, i will try this bro!!