Method of taking screenshots with content that is transparent

The title says it all. I’m trying to take a screenshot of an item in my game to use for the tool’s icon. The item has transparent parts and currently I’m using Defaultio’s Macro Manager plugin to have the background of the item be green so I can cut it out in Photoshop. Obviously this is flawed with trying to preserve the transparency, so what should I do?

Sadly, even if you were able to make it transparent in Studio, taking a screenshot wouldn’t translate the transparency. 3D modeling to 2D imaging basically. The best thing you can do is use a transparent background somewhat similar in color to the item you are trying to capture. Screenshot, then in photoshop, go in with your eraser tool and cut out the item. The green screen keying out usually works pretty fine as well with post editing touch ups. Keep playing around with your settings, or practice using brushes to draw on top of the screenshot.